The reason for this is that if we try to run gdb on the first serial port and we get a kprintf over that serial port, then our gdb session may become corrupted. In the settings you should specify "This end is the client" "The other end is an application" and "Yield CPU on poll" Go to the add hardware wizard, select a serial port and then redirect the output to the named pipe \\.\pipe\vmwaredebug Step 3: Add a serial port to your vmware configuration # We can, however, use a program called socat (one particular evolution of netcat) to create a tcp interface for the socket. gdb doesn't support direct connections to Unix Domain Sockets. Under Linux, we use a Unix Domain Socket instead of a named pipe.
Install socat cygwin install#
Install it, register it as a services and start the service. gdb doesn't support connected to windows named pipes (why not?!!) but there is a useful util called vmwaregateway.exe that is over on the L4Ka site. VMWare can redirect it's serial port to a named pipe. Step 2: Download and install the vmwaregateway application # NB: If you see it complaining about not being able to find a watcom ld when you build your image, then you need to need to update to QNX 6.3.2 or later. To generate a floppy boot image with this filter, simple replace You can do this with the mkifs filter, mkifsf_vmware. VMWare supports PXE netbooting, but probably the simplest method to load a fresh image is to generate a boot floppy image. Given that your kernel source environment is not on the vm, you need some way of getting the vm to boot your kernel. Our standard qnxbasedma.build and bios.build will work with vmware. As far as the OS is concerned, it's an independant x86 machine, complete with BIOS, serial, disk and network devices. VMWare Workstation (the latest version is 6.0) is a useful tool in that it allows you to run one or more virtual x86 cpus on your development system. Windows and linux differ, a section has been added for the linux instructions. This page was originally written to be windows specific where the steps between This page describes the specifics of debugging a QNX Kernel that is running on a VMWare virtual machine. If not, I'd highly recommend you start there, since it covers the basics of debugging the kernel. Hopefully you here via the Debugging The Kernel page.